University of Osnabrück

CeCoP - Center for the Study of Conflict & Peace

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Dr. Jan Koehler

Fachbereich 1: Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften

49074 Osnabrück

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

The emphasis of his academic research is on the impact of interventions on local patterns and dynamics of social order, subnational governance and conflicts. As part of a group of researchers Jan developed systematic mixed method research designs, combining more inductive qualitative case-studies with deductive quantitative hypothesis-driven approaches.

Jan Koehler is researcher with focus on Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia and the Caucasus region. He received his first degree from the Freie Universität Berlin in Social Anthropology and did his PhD in Political Science on institution centred conflict research.

Authored books and textbooks
  • Koehler, Jan/Gunya, Alexey/Shogenov, Murat (Eds.): От понимания локальных конфликтов к использованию шансов развития [From understanding local conflicts to the utilization of development opportunities], Nalchik, KBSU Press
  • Koehler, Jan 2013: Institution-centred conflict research. The methodology and its application in Afghanistan (Freie Universität Berlin: Doctoral Thesis), Berlin.
  • Koehler, Jan/Gunya, Aleksey 2018: ლოკალური კონფლიქტების. ემპირიული კვლევები. საველე კვლევების მეთოდოლოგიისა და მეთოდების შესავალი (მეორე გადამუშავებული გამოცემა) [Empirical study of local conflicts. Field methodology and methods (second edited edition), Batumi, Batumi University.
  • Gunya, Alexey/Daxner, Michael/Koehler, Jan/Tenov, Timur/Chechenov, Aslan/Shogenov, Murat 2013: Конфликты и развитие: введение в методологию и методы исследования [Conflicts and development: introduction to the methodology and research methods], Nalchik, KBSU Press.
  • Gunya, Alexey/Daxner, Michael/Koehler, Jan/Zhorobekov, Temir/Tenov, Timur/Chechenov, Aslan/Shogenov, Murat 2013: Konfliktter ghana enguu: isidleenun metodoloniyasyny gha usuldaryna kirishuu, Osh, Osh State University.
  • Gunya, Aleksey/Koehler, Jan/Zürcher, Christoph 2008: Empiricheskie issledovaniya lokal'nykh konfliktov : Vvedenie v metodologyu i metody polevykh issledovanii, Moskva, Media-Press.
  • Koehler, Jan 2000: Die Zeit der Jungs. Zur Organisation von Gewalt und der Austragung von Konflikten in Georgien [Time of the lads. Organising violence and processing conflicts in Georgia], Münster, Hamburg, London, Lit.
Edited books

Koehler, Jan/Gunya, Alexey (Eds.): От понимания локальных конфликтов к использованию шансов развития [From understanding local conflicts to using development opportunities], Nalchik, Print Centre
Koehler, Jan/Zürcher, Christoph (Eds.) 2003: Potentials of Disorder, Manchester, New York, Manchester UP, at:
Koehler, Jan/Heyer, Sonja (Eds.) 1998: Anthropologie der Gewalt. Chancen und Grenzen der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung, Berlin, VWF.

Journal articles
  • Juan, Alexander De/Gosztonyi, Kristóf/Koehler, Jan 2019: Conditional Effects of Aid on Political Perceptions – Mixed Methods Evidence from North East Afghanistan, in: European Journal of International Relations, at:
  • Koehler, Jan/Gunya, Aleksey/Tenov, Timur 2017: Governing the Local in the North Caucasus, in: Eurasian Geography and Economics, 1-31, at:
  • Böhnke, Jan R./Koehler, Jan/Zürcher, Christoph 2017: State formation as it happens: insights from a repeated cross-sectional study in Afghanistan, 2007–2015, in: Conflict, Security & Development 17: 2, at:; 27.03.2017.
  • Koehler, Jan/Gunya, Aleksey/Tenov, Temur/Chechenov, Aslan 2017: Instituzionalno orientirovannoe isuchenie problem ustoichivogo rasvitiya gornyh territorij [Institution Centered Research into Problems of Sustainable Development of Mountainous Regions], in: Ustojčivoe razvitie gornych territorij 9: 2, 152-162.
  • Koehler, Jan/Gunya, Alexey/Alkhazurov, Magomed 2016: Insurgency Informed Governance in the North Caucasus: Observations from Chechnya, Dagestan, and Kabardino-Balkaria, in: Small Wars and Insurgencies 27: 3, 367-391, at:
  • Koehler, Jan/Gosztonyi, Kristóf/Feda, Basir/Child, Keith 2015: Mixed method impact evaluation - making stabilisation assessments work for development cooperation, in: EPSJ 10: 2, 61-74, at:; 09.10.2015.
  • Gosztonyi, Kristóf/Koehler, Jan/Feda, Basir 2015: Taming the Unruly: The Integration of Northern Afghan Militias into the Afghan Local Police, in: S+F 33: 4, 218-224.
  • Koehler, Jan/Gosztonyi, Kristof 2014: The international intervention and its impact on security governance in North-East Afghanistan, in: International Peacekeeping 21: 2, 231-250, at:
  • Koehler, Jan/Zürcher, Christoph 2007: Statebuilding, Conflict and Narcotics in Afghanistan: A View from Below, in: International Peacekeeping 14: 1, 62-74, at:; 10.10.2015.
  • Koehler, Jan/Zürcher, Christoph 2004: Der Staat und sein Schatten. Betrachtungen zur Institutionalisierung hybrider Staatlichkeit im Süd-Kaukasus, in: WeltTrends 12: 45 (Winter), 84-96.
  • Koehler, Jan 2000: Die Zeit der Jungs. Zur Organisation von Gewalt und der Austragung von Konflikten in Georgien, Münster, Hamburg, London, Lit.
  • Koehler, Jan 1999: The School of the Street: Organising Diversity and Training Polytaxis in a (Post-) Soviet Periphery, in: Metzo, Katherine R./Ries, Nancy (Eds.): Anthropology of East Europe Review, Special Issue: Reassessing Peripheries Post-Communist Studies, 39-52, at:; 29.03.2015.
Chapters in edited volumes
  • Koehler, Jan 2015: Institution-Centred Conflict Research – a Methodological Approach and its Application in East Afghanistan, in: Sökefeld, Martin (Ed.): Spaces of conflict, Bielefeld, transcript, 86-113.
  • Koehler, Jan 2014: The Afghan perspective on ISAF – changes and trends in North-East Afghanistan, in: Chiari, Bernhard (Ed.): From Venus to Mars? Provincial Reconstruction Teams and the European Military Experience in Afghanistan, 2001-2014, Freiburg i.Br./Berlin/Wien, Rombach Verlag, 65-86.
  • Böhnke, Jan/Koehler, Jan/Zürcher, Christoph 2014: Assessing the Impact of Development Cooperation in North East Afghanistan 2005-2009: A repeated mixed-method survey, in: Bull, Beate/Kennedy-Chouane, Megan/Winkler Andersen, Ole (Eds.): Evaluations in Situations of Conflict and Fragility, Routledge, 105-129.
  • Koehler, Jan/Wilke, Boris 2011: Wie funktioniert Sicherheit ohne (viel) Staat? Befunde aus Nordostafghanistan und Pakistan, in: Beisheim, Marianne/Börzel, Tanja/Genschel, Philipp/Zangel, Bernhard (Eds.): Wozu Staat? Governance in Räumen begrenzter und konsolidierter Staatlichkeit, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 55-86.
  • Koehler, Jan 2010: Empirische Interventionsforschung – eine Problemannäherung am Beispiel Afghanistans, in: Bonacker, Thorsten/Daxner, Michael/Free, Jan/Zürcher, Christoph (Eds.): Interventionskultur. Zur Soziologie von Interventionsgesellschaften, Wiesbaden, 219-259.
  • Koehler, Jan 2004: Institutionalisierte Konfliktaustragung, Kohäsion und Wandel. Theoriegeleiteter Praxischeck auf Gemeindeebene, in: Eckert, Julia (Ed.): Anthropologie der Konflikte; Georg Elwerts konflikttheoretische These in der Diskussion, Bielefeld, Transcript, 273-297.
  • Koehler, Jan 2003: Die Schule der Straße. Georgische Cliquen zwischen Kämpfen um Ehre und organisierter Kriminalität, in: Luig, Ute/Seebode, Jochen (Eds.): Ethnologie der Jugend: Soziale Praxis, moralische Diskurse und inszenierte Körperlichkeit, Münster, Hamburg und London, LIT, 43-69.

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